Bible Stories

Story of brides for benjamin – बेंजामिन के लिए दुल्हनों की कहानी

The story of “Brides for Benjamin” is found in the Bible in the book of Judges, specifically in Judges 21. It is an event that occurred during the time when the Israelites were settling in the Promised Land and facing challenges in maintaining their tribes and populations.

The Tragedy of Gibeah: The story begins with a tragic event in the city of Gibeah, which was located in the territory of the tribe of Benjamin. A Levite and his concubine were traveling through the region when they sought shelter in Gibeah. However, the inhabitants of Gibeah were wicked and immoral. They attacked the Levite’s concubine, leading to her death.

The Levite’s Response: In response to the horrific incident, the Levite cut his concubine’s body into twelve pieces and sent them to all the tribes of Israel as a testimony of the wickedness that had occurred in Gibeah.

The Assembly of Israel: The tribes of Israel were deeply disturbed by the events in Gibeah and decided to take action. They gathered together at Mizpah to discuss what should be done.

Punishment of Gibeah: The Israelites decided to confront the tribe of Benjamin, demanding that the perpetrators of the crime in Gibeah be handed over for punishment. However, the tribe of Benjamin refused to comply and instead prepared for war against the other tribes of Israel.

Devastation of Benjamin: In the ensuing battles, the tribe of Benjamin suffered heavy losses, and most of the tribe’s cities were destroyed. However, the Israelites were hesitant to completely wipe out the tribe of Benjamin, as they did not want to see one of the twelve tribes of Israel disappear.

Solution for the Tribe of Benjamin: In a bid to preserve the tribe of Benjamin, the Israelites devised a plan. Since they had sworn not to give their daughters in marriage to the men of Benjamin, they decided to find a way for the remaining Benjamite men to obtain wives.

Abduction of Brides: During the annual festival at Shiloh, the Israelites instructed the men of Benjamin to lie in wait in the vineyards. When the daughters of Shiloh came out to dance, the Benjamite men would seize and marry them.

Resolution: By adopting this unconventional method, the Israelites provided brides for the remaining Benjamite men without violating their oath not to give their daughters in marriage directly.

The story of “Brides for Benjamin” is a sobering and challenging account from the book of Judges, illustrating the complexities and consequences of the actions of individuals and communities. It highlights the need for justice, mercy, and creative solutions when faced with difficult situations.


Story of brides for benjamin – बेंजामिन के लिए दुल्हनों की कहानी

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