Bible Stories

Story of balaam’s prophecy – बालाम की भविष्यवाणी की कहानी

The story of Balaam’s prophecy is found in the Old Testament of the Bible, specifically in the Book of Numbers, chapters 22 to 24. It is a fascinating account that involves a prophet named Balaam, who was hired by Balak, the king of Moab, to curse the Israelites. However, instead of cursing them, Balaam ended up delivering a series of powerful and unexpected blessings upon the Israelites.

Balak’s Fear: Balak, the king of Moab, saw the vast number of Israelites encamped on the plains near his kingdom and became fearful. He feared that the Israelites’ presence would lead to the destruction of his kingdom.

Summoning Balaam: Balak decided to seek the help of a renowned diviner and prophet named Balaam, who lived in Pethor. Balak sent messengers to Balaam, offering him great rewards if he would come and curse the Israelites.

Balaam’s Initial Response: When the messengers delivered Balak’s request, Balaam inquired of the Lord. God warned Balaam not to go with the messengers and not to curse the Israelites, for they were blessed and favored by God.

Balak’s Persistent Request: When the messengers returned to Balak and reported Balaam’s response, Balak persisted in his request. He sent more distinguished messengers and offered Balaam even greater rewards and honors if he would come and curse the Israelites.

Balaam’s Second Inquiry: Balaam, tempted by the rewards, again inquired of the Lord. God allowed Balaam to go but instructed him to speak only what God told him to speak.

Balaam’s Journey: Balaam set out on his journey to Moab with the Moabite officials. Along the way, an angel of the Lord appeared before Balaam’s donkey to block their path. The donkey saw the angel and refused to move, causing Balaam to strike the animal.

The Talking Donkey: After the donkey spoke to Balaam, questioning his actions, the Lord opened Balaam’s eyes, and he saw the angel standing in their path with a drawn sword. Balaam acknowledged his sin and agreed to speak only what the Lord commanded him.

Balaam’s Blessings: When Balaam arrived in Moab, King Balak took him to various locations to curse the Israelites. Instead, on three occasions, Balaam delivered powerful blessings upon the Israelites. These blessings included prophetic messages of future greatness and prosperity for the nation.

Balak’s Frustration: King Balak became increasingly frustrated with Balaam’s blessings and accused him of betraying him. Balaam clarified that he could only speak the words that God had given him.

Final Prophecy: In Balaam’s final prophecy, he spoke of a future star rising from Jacob and a scepter coming forth from Israel, which is seen as a Messianic prophecy in Jewish and Christian traditions.

The story of Balaam’s prophecy illustrates God’s sovereignty over even non-Israelite prophets and how He can turn curses into blessings. It also emphasizes the importance of heeding God’s commands and not allowing greed or personal ambitions to compromise one’s faithfulness to God’s will. Balaam’s story serves as a reminder of God’s faithfulness to His people and His ability to use even unexpected means to fulfill His purposes.


Story of balaam’s prophecy – बालाम की भविष्यवाणी की कहानी

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