Bible Stories

Story of apostles and deacons – प्रेरितों और डीकनों की कहानी

The story of the Apostles and Deacons is a significant event recorded in the New Testament of the Bible, specifically in the Book of Acts, chapter 6. It takes place in the early Christian community after the ascension of Jesus Christ. As the number of believers increased, the Apostles recognized the need for assistance in the ministry to effectively care for the community’s needs.

The Growing Christian Community: After Jesus’ ascension, the early Christian community in Jerusalem began to grow rapidly. Many people were embracing the message of the gospel, and the number of believers multiplied.

The Problem of Distribution: As the community expanded, a problem arose concerning the distribution of food to widows within the congregation. The widows of the Greek-speaking Jewish believers felt that they were being neglected in the daily distribution of food compared to the Hebrew-speaking Jewish widows.

The Apostles’ Response: The Twelve Apostles, who were the closest disciples of Jesus, were responsible for preaching and teaching the gospel. However, they recognized that they could not devote all their time to these tasks while also addressing the issue of food distribution. They decided to focus on prayer and the ministry of the Word.

The Selection of Deacons: The Apostles summoned the entire Christian community and proposed that they select seven men to take care of the practical matters, including the distribution of food, so that the Apostles could dedicate themselves to prayer and teaching.

The Seven Chosen Deacons: The people agreed with the suggestion, and they chose seven men to be the first deacons. The deacons were Stephen, Philip, Prochorus, Nicanor, Timon, Parmenas, and Nicolaus. These men were known for their good reputation, faith, and being full of the Holy Spirit.

Ordination of Deacons: After their selection, the Apostles prayed over the chosen deacons and laid their hands on them, symbolizing their commissioning and ordination to serve the community.

Ministry and Martyrdom of Stephen: Among the chosen deacons, Stephen emerged as a powerful preacher and an influential figure in the early Christian community. He performed signs and wonders and boldly proclaimed the gospel. However, he faced opposition from some members of the Jewish community, and he was eventually arrested, leading to his martyrdom as the first Christian martyr.

The Impact of Deacons: The appointment of deacons proved to be a crucial development in the early Christian Church. By delegating some responsibilities to the deacons, the Apostles were able to focus on their primary role of preaching and teaching. The deacons played a vital role in serving the practical needs of the Christian community, promoting unity, and maintaining the welfare of the believers.

The story of the Apostles and Deacons demonstrates the importance of serving the community’s practical needs and the significance of teamwork and leadership within the early Christian Church. The ministry of the deacons contributed to the growth and stability of the early Christian community, laying the foundation for the church’s ongoing work in spreading the gospel and caring for the welfare of believers.


Story of apostles and deacons – प्रेरितों और डीकनों की कहानी

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