Bible Stories

Story of an earthquake shakes a jail – भूकंप से जेल हिलने की कहानी

In the city of Philippi, Paul and Silas were spreading the message of Jesus Christ. Their teachings and miracles had gathered many followers, but they also stirred up trouble. One day, they cast a spirit out of a slave girl who was being exploited by her owners for fortune-telling. The girl’s owners, furious at losing their source of income, dragged Paul and Silas to the authorities, accusing them of causing chaos.

Without a fair trial, Paul and Silas were beaten and thrown into prison. The jailer was ordered to keep them securely, so he put them in the innermost cell and fastened their feet in stocks.

Despite their dire situation, Paul and Silas did not lose hope. Instead, they spent the night praying and singing hymns to God. The other prisoners listened in awe, wondering how these men could be so joyful in such miserable conditions.

Around midnight, a miraculous event occurred. The ground began to tremble violently, and an earthquake shook the entire prison. The foundations of the jail were so shaken that all the doors flew open, and the chains binding the prisoners fell off.

The jailer woke up in a panic. Seeing the open doors, he assumed that all the prisoners had escaped. Fearing the consequences, he drew his sword to take his own life. But Paul called out loudly, “Do not harm yourself! We are all here!”

The jailer, overwhelmed with relief and awe, rushed to Paul and Silas. Trembling, he asked, “Sirs, what must I do to be saved?”

They replied, “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved—you and your household.”

The jailer brought Paul and Silas out of the prison and washed their wounds. He brought them to his home and fed them. That night, the jailer and his entire family were baptized, rejoicing in their newfound faith in God.

The next morning, the magistrates sent officers to release Paul and Silas. However, Paul insisted on a public acknowledgment of their wrongful imprisonment as Roman citizens. The magistrates, realizing their grave mistake, came personally to apologize and escort them out of the city.

Paul and Silas left Philippi, strengthened in their mission by the miraculous events and the new believers they had found even in the darkest of places. The earthquake that had shaken the jail was a testament to the power of God and the faith of His followers.


Story of an earthquake shakes a jail – भूकंप से जेल हिलने की कहानी

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