Bible Stories

Story of amos’ condemnation of the king – अमोस द्वारा राजा की निंदा की कहानी

The story of Amos’ condemnation of the king is a narrative found in the Book of Amos in the Old Testament of the Bible. It highlights the prophet Amos’ fearless and uncompromising message of social justice and righteousness, even in the face of powerful rulers.

Amos was a shepherd from the town of Tekoa, and he was called by God to prophesy during the reign of Jeroboam II, king of the northern kingdom of Israel. Despite his humble origins, Amos was chosen by God to deliver a message of warning and rebuke to the people of Israel, including their rulers.

In Amos 7:10-17, the prophet Amos confronts Amaziah, the priest of the royal sanctuary in Bethel, who serves under King Jeroboam II. Amos’ condemnation of the king unfolds in the following manner:

Amaziah’s Report: Amaziah sends a message to King Jeroboam II about Amos’ prophecies, describing Amos as a troublemaker who is conspiring against the king and suggesting that he should leave the land and prophesy elsewhere.

Amos’ Response: In response to Amaziah’s report, Amos boldly declares that he is not a professional prophet or a member of a prophetic school. He emphasizes that he was a simple shepherd and gatherer of sycamore figs whom God had called to deliver His message.

Condemnation of Amaziah: Amos then turns his attention to Amaziah himself. He prophesies that Amaziah’s wife will become a prostitute, his children will be killed, and his land will be divided and given to others. This pronouncement serves as a judgment against Amaziah’s complicity with the king’s wrongdoing.

King Jeroboam II: While the story does not explicitly show Amos directly confronting Jeroboam II, the entire context of the Book of Amos is a condemnation of the king and the social injustices prevalent in the kingdom.

The story of Amos’ condemnation of the king, as well as the broader message of the Book of Amos, underscores the prophet’s fearless commitment to speaking out against corruption, oppression, and social injustice, even in the face of powerful rulers and religious authorities. It emphasizes the importance of righteousness, equity, and compassion in society, and it serves as a reminder that God’s judgment applies to all, regardless of their position or status.

Amos’ prophetic message challenges the powerful and calls for repentance and social transformation. The story also highlights the role of prophets in holding leaders accountable and advocating for the marginalized and oppressed.


Story of amos’ condemnation of the king – अमोस द्वारा राजा की निंदा की कहानी

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