Bible Stories

Story of abraham and lot dividing the land – इब्राहीम और भूमि के बंटवारे की कहानी

Story of Abraham and Lot dividing the land is found in the book of Genesis in the Bible.  After leaving Egypt, Abraham and his nephew Lot returned to the land of Canaan, along with their families and possessions. Both Abraham and Lot had acquired significant wealth, including large herds of livestock.

As they settled in the land, a dispute arose between Abraham’s herdsmen and Lot’s herdsmen over grazing rights for their livestock. The land could not support both groups, and tensions mounted between them.

To avoid further conflict, Abraham proposed a peaceful resolution to Lot. He suggested that they separate and offered Lot the choice of which direction he wanted to go. Abraham graciously gave Lot the first choice of land.

Lot surveyed the land and saw that the plain of the Jordan River was well-watered and fertile, resembling the garden of the Lord. He chose to settle in the Jordan Valley, near the city of Sodom, which was known for its wickedness.

Abraham, on the other hand, remained in the land of Canaan, dwelling near the oaks of Mamre at Hebron. Despite having the second choice, Abraham trusted in God’s provision and was content with his portion of the land.

After Lot’s departure, God reaffirmed His promise to Abraham, saying, “Look around from where you are, to the north and south, to the east and west. All the land that you see I will give to you and your offspring forever” (Genesis 13:14-15).

Story of Abraham and Lot dividing the land illustrates Abraham’s humility, generosity, and faith in God’s provision. It also emphasizes the importance of resolving conflicts peacefully and trusting in God’s promises.


Story of abraham and lot dividing the land – इब्राहीम और भूमि के बंटवारे की कहानी

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