Bible Stories

Solomon and the wise judgement story – सुलैमान और बुद्धिमान निर्णय की कहानी

The story of Solomon and the wise judgment is a well-known biblical narrative that highlights the wisdom and discernment of King Solomon, who ruled over the Kingdom of Israel during the 10th century BCE. The story is recorded in the Hebrew Bible in the First Book of Kings, Chapter 3, verses 16-28.

According to the narrative, two women came before King Solomon, each claiming to be the mother of the same baby. Both women had recently given birth, but one of the infants had died, leading to a dispute over the living child.

In their plea before the king, one woman asserted that the living baby was hers, while the other woman claimed the child as her own. With no witnesses or evidence to resolve the dispute, King Solomon devised a clever test to determine the true mother.

He proposed to cut the living child in half and give each woman half of the baby. The first woman, in her desperation to prevent harm to the child, pleaded with the king to spare the baby’s life and instead give him to the other woman. However, the second woman agreed to the king’s judgment, suggesting that they divide the child.

Upon witnessing their reactions, King Solomon immediately recognized the true mother. He declared that the woman who begged for the child’s life to be spared must be the infant’s mother, as her maternal instincts revealed her genuine love and concern for her child. In contrast, the woman who remained indifferent to the fate of the child could not possibly be his mother.

Impressed by King Solomon’s wisdom and discernment, the people of Israel marveled at his judgment, acknowledging that God had bestowed upon him exceptional wisdom to govern his kingdom justly and wisely.

This story has since become a timeless symbol of Solomon’s renowned wisdom and his commitment to administering justice with compassion and discernment. It continues to be cited as an example of wise and fair judgment in various cultural and religious contexts.


Solomon and the wise judgement story – सुलैमान और बुद्धिमान निर्णय की कहानी

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