
Prayer of protection and gratitude – सुरक्षा और कृतज्ञता की प्रार्थना

Lord, the enemy, is luring young people, especially teenagers, into his kingdom using things that seem pleasurable to the human eye. You have entrusted me with this beautiful daughter, and I want to say thank you, Lord. I use the authority that you’ve given me as a parent to declare and decree that my child will not be lured into the kingdom of darkness.

She will serve you, my Father, and king for the rest of her life. Father, I thank you that you have set a standard over her life, and even when her enemies come like a flood, they will not prevail over her. In Jesus’ name, I believe and pray, Amen


Prayer of protection and gratitude – सुरक्षा और कृतज्ञता की प्रार्थना

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