
Prayer of gratitude and faith for premature baby health – समय से पहले जन्मे बच्चे के स्वास्थ्य के लिए कृतज्ञता और विश्वास की प्रार्थना

Lord, I thank you for these fantastic caregivers that are working round-the-clock to ensure our baby is safe and healthy. Thank you for the technology that you have granted us to help secure the lives of babies that are born prematurely. I also want to thank you for giving us the strength to fight in faith and not out of fear.

Lord, even with the caregivers doing exceptional work, we know it is your mighty hand that will help our baby to mature and be healthy. Uphold our baby with your righteous right hand and fight on our behalf. Let what the enemy intended for bad be our testimony and let your name be glorified through this child. In Jesus’ name, we believe and pray, Amen.


Prayer of gratitude and faith for premature baby health –

समय से पहले जन्मे बच्चे के स्वास्थ्य के लिए कृतज्ञता और विश्वास की प्रार्थना

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