
Prayer for strength, victory, and endurance – शक्ति, विजय और सहनशक्ति के लिए प्रार्थना

Everlasting Father, thank you that you are strong and true, abounding in love for me. As I face obstacles that seem insurmountable, please show your power and give me victory and success. For all the days of my life, I ask that you will give me the strength I need to run the race set before me.

I pray that my life would be a testimony of your grace and love. Give me the strength to endure, the power to overcome and the peace to be content in every circumstance. To you be all the praise and honor. Amen.


Prayer for strength, victory, and endurance – शक्ति, विजय और सहनशक्ति के लिए प्रार्थना

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