
Prayer for honest communication and renewed love – ईमानदार संचार और नवीनीकृत प्रेम के लिए प्रार्थना

Great High Priest, help me to broach with my husband the signs I’ve been seeing about his lack of love for me. Help me communicate calmly and sweetly, and may he feel free to share his own feelings.

May this discussion be productive in bringing issues out that we need to confront and conquer. Help me to be proactive in dealing with my attitudes and words that may be quenching his love. Through open and honest discussion, may we renew our love for each other. Amen.


Prayer for honest communication and renewed love –

ईमानदार संचार और नवीनीकृत प्रेम के लिए प्रार्थना

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