
Prayer for divine peace amidst life’s busyness – जीवन की व्यस्तता के बीच दिव्य शांति के लिए प्रार्थना

Lord of my Peace, I come to You with a mind full of the rushing and busyness of life, needing focus and rest. Lord, please remind me that it’s okay to be quiet because then I can hear Your still, soft whisper.

Remind me that it’s ok to just sit and reflect on You and Your promises, for that is what delivers me from this wretched state. Bring to me Your soothing tenderness. Amen.


Prayer for divine peace amidst life’s busyness – जीवन की व्यस्तता के बीच दिव्य शांति के लिए प्रार्थना

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