
Prayer for boldness and confidence in god – ईश्वर में साहस और विश्वास के लिए प्रार्थना

Lord God my Father, I need You. Lord, I feel held back by my timidity and fear of what others think of me. In times when I should speak up, I remain silent. And because of this, I feel like I let You down. Help me to have confidence in You and to be bold in saying what needs to be said.

I ask that I have the courage to not let others talk over me. Please ease my fear that others will dislike me because of my words. Give me the wisdom to speak truthfully and sensitively. You are my source of boldness and strength. Amen.


Prayer for boldness and confidence in god – ईश्वर में साहस और विश्वास के लिए प्रार्थना

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