
Prayer for bestowed happiness on us – हमें प्रदान की गई खुशियों के लिए प्रार्थना

Compassionate Father, much like David prayed for happiness from You in Psalms, grant us happiness today, Father. We kneel before You this morning, Father, humbled by Your power, begging for Your graceful heart to bless our union.

Father, it is our will, our desire, and our yearning to please You. Our life Is nothing without You, Father. We come before You together this morning to ask for You to make this day a happy one, full of smiles and laughter. We thank You for Your unending love for us. Father, hear our prayer, in the holy name of Jesus Christ, Amen.


Prayer for bestowed happiness on us –

हमें प्रदान की गई खुशियों के लिए प्रार्थना

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