
Pray that you remember god’s love and grace for You – प्रार्थना करें कि आप अपने लिए ईश्वर के प्रेम और अनुग्रह को याद रखें।

“Dear God,

In this moment, I come before you with a humble heart, seeking to remember and experience your boundless love and grace. Help me to truly grasp the depth of your affection for me, for I know that your love is beyond measure and unconditional.

In the midst of life’s challenges and distractions, I often forget the magnitude of your love and the abundant grace you pour upon me. Please open my eyes and soften my heart to recognize and embrace your presence in my life.

Remind me, O Lord, that your love knows no boundaries or limitations. Help me to fully understand that I am your beloved child, cherished and cared for, regardless of my flaws or shortcomings. Let your love surround me, fill me, and overflow from within me.

Grant me the strength to release any doubts or self-criticism that hinder my ability to accept your love and grace. Replace my fears with trust, my worries with peace, and my burdens with your comforting embrace.

As I journey through life, may I walk in the awareness of your love, carrying it with me in every step I take. Help me to extend that love and grace to others, spreading kindness, compassion, and understanding.

Thank you, dear God, for your unending love and the abundant grace you bestow upon me. May I always remember and live in the light of your unwavering affection.

In your name, I pray,



Pray that you remember god’s love and grace for You –

प्रार्थना करें कि आप अपने लिए ईश्वर के प्रेम और अनुग्रह को याद रखें।

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