Bible Stories

Pharaoh doesn’t listen to the story – फिरौन नहीं सुनता कहानी

In ancient Egypt, the Israelites had been enslaved for many years, suffering under the harsh rule of the Pharaoh. God heard their cries for help and appointed Moses to lead them out of bondage. Together with his brother Aaron, Moses approached Pharaoh with a message from God: “Let my people go.”

Pharaoh, however, was obstinate and refused to release the Israelites. To demonstrate God’s power and persuade Pharaoh, a series of devastating plagues were unleashed upon Egypt.

Moses struck the Nile River with his staff, and the waters turned to blood. The fish died, the river stank, and the Egyptians could not drink its water. Despite the severity of this plague, Pharaoh’s heart remained hardened.

Frogs swarmed out of the river, covering the land and invading homes. The Egyptians were overwhelmed by the frogs, yet when Pharaoh asked Moses to remove them and promised to let the Israelites go, he soon reneged on his word once the plague was lifted.

Aaron struck the dust of the ground, and it turned into gnats, which tormented people and animals alike. Pharaoh’s magicians could not replicate this miracle, admitting it was the finger of God, but Pharaoh still refused to listen.

Swarms of flies invaded Egypt, causing destruction and discomfort. Pharaoh attempted to negotiate, suggesting the Israelites could sacrifice to their God within Egypt, but Moses insisted they needed to leave. Again, Pharaoh promised to let them go, only to break his promise when the flies were gone.

A severe disease struck the Egyptian livestock, killing horses, donkeys, camels, cattle, sheep, and goats, while sparing the livestock of the Israelites. Despite the loss, Pharaoh’s heart was unyielding.

Painful boils afflicted the Egyptians and their animals. Even Pharaoh’s magicians were stricken and unable to stand before Moses. Yet, Pharaoh remained defiant.

A devastating hailstorm, accompanied by thunder and fire, struck Egypt, destroying crops, animals, and homes. Only the land of Goshen, where the Israelites lived, was spared. Pharaoh admitted his sin and promised to release the Israelites, but once the storm ceased, he hardened his heart again.

Swarms of locusts consumed everything left after the hail, devastating Egypt’s food supply. Pharaoh’s officials pleaded with him to relent, but despite briefly conceding, Pharaoh again refused to let the Israelites go after the locusts were gone.

Darkness covered Egypt for three days, so thick it could be felt. The Israelites, however, had light where they lived. Pharaoh summoned Moses, willing to let the people go but insisting they leave their flocks behind. When Moses refused, Pharaoh drove him out, warning never to see his face again.

The final and most severe plague was the death of the firstborn in every Egyptian family, from Pharaoh’s household to the lowest servant, and even among the livestock. The Israelites were spared, having marked their doorposts with lamb’s blood as instructed by God. The wailing in Egypt was immense.

Broken and grieving, Pharaoh finally relented and allowed the Israelites to leave. Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt, marking the beginning of their journey to the Promised Land. However, Pharaoh’s stubbornness and repeated refusal to heed God’s command led to immense suffering and loss for his people.

The story of Pharaoh not listening is a powerful narrative about the consequences of hard-heartedness and disobedience to God’s will. It underscores the themes of liberation, faith, and the power of divine intervention.

This retelling captures the essence of Pharaoh’s resistance and the resulting plagues, emphasizing the dramatic conflict and eventual triumph of the Israelites.


Pharaoh doesn’t listen to the story – फिरौन नहीं सुनता कहानी

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