Bible Stories

Peter denies jesus – पतरस ने यीशु का इन्कार किया

The story of Peter denying Jesus is a well-known event from the New Testament of the Bible, specifically found in all four Gospels: Matthew (Matthew 26:69-75), Mark (Mark 14:66-72), Luke (Luke 22:54-62), and John (John 18:15-27). It takes place during the events leading up to Jesus’ crucifixion and is a significant moment in the life of Peter, one of Jesus’ closest disciples.

The Setting: After the Last Supper, Jesus and his disciples went to the Garden of Gethsemane, where Jesus prayed while knowing that his arrest and crucifixion were imminent.

Peter’s Boast: Earlier, at the Last Supper, Jesus had warned his disciples that they would all fall away from him that night. However, Peter boldly proclaimed that he would never deny Jesus, even if it meant going to prison or death.

The Arrest of Jesus: Judas Iscariot, one of Jesus’ disciples, had betrayed him and led a group of soldiers and religious leaders to arrest Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane.

Peter’s Denials: While Jesus was taken into custody and brought before the high priest for questioning, Peter followed from a distance. As he stood in the courtyard, people recognized him as one of Jesus’ disciples, and three times they asked if he was with Jesus. Each time, Peter denied any association with Jesus, saying he did not know him.

The Rooster Crows: After Peter’s third denial, a rooster crowed, just as Jesus had predicted earlier. Peter then remembered Jesus’ words, and he was deeply distressed and heartbroken by what he had done.

Jesus’ Look: At that moment, Jesus turned and looked at Peter. It is not explicitly stated in the Gospels what was conveyed in that look, but it is often interpreted as a look of love, understanding, and forgiveness.

Peter’s Remorse: Overwhelmed with remorse and grief, Peter went out and wept bitterly, realizing the gravity of his denial and betrayal of Jesus.

The story of Peter denying Jesus is a poignant reminder of human frailty and the struggle between our intentions and actions. It also reflects the compassion and forgiveness of Jesus, who later reinstated Peter and reaffirmed his role as an important leader among his disciples after the resurrection. Peter’s story serves as a lesson in humility, repentance, and the transformative power of God’s grace and forgiveness.


Peter denies jesus – पतरस ने यीशु का इन्कार किया

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