Bible Stories

Noah is safe in a boat story – नूह एक नाव में सुरक्षित है कहानी

Once upon a time, in a land far away, there lived a wise and kind man named Noah. Noah was known for his goodness and his deep faith. He lived in a world where people had forgotten how to be kind to one another, and as a result, the world was filled with chaos and cruelty.

One day, as Noah was praying, he heard a voice that seemed to come from the heavens. It was a message from God, telling Noah that a great flood would soon come to cleanse the world of its wickedness. God instructed Noah to build a large boat, called an ark, to keep himself, his family, and two of every kind of animal safe from the impending flood.

Noah, full of faith, began to build the ark, just as God had instructed. His neighbors laughed at him and mocked his efforts, for they did not believe a flood was coming. But Noah continued his work, undeterred by their scorn.

Day and night, Noah and his three sons, Shem, Ham, and Japheth, toiled to build the enormous ark. They gathered wood, hammered nails, and followed every detail of God’s instructions. As the ark took shape, it stood as a testament to Noah’s faith and determination.

Once the ark was finished, Noah gathered his family and all the animals, two of every kind, just as God had commanded. Lions and lambs, birds and insects, all entered the ark peacefully, finding their places inside the massive boat. Noah’s wife, his sons, and their wives also boarded the ark, trusting in Noah’s faith and God’s promise.

Then, the skies darkened, and the rain began to fall. It started as a gentle drizzle but soon turned into a torrential downpour. The rivers overflowed, and the sea rose, covering the land. People who had mocked Noah now scrambled to find higher ground, but it was too late.

For forty days and forty nights, the rain fell without stopping. The waters rose higher and higher, until even the tallest mountains were submerged. But Noah and those with him in the ark were safe. Inside the sturdy boat, they could hear the storm raging outside, but they were dry and secure.

Finally, the rain stopped, and slowly, the waters began to recede. The ark came to rest on the top of a mountain called Ararat. Noah waited patiently until the land was dry again. He sent out a dove to see if it could find a place to land. The dove returned with an olive leaf, a sign that the waters had gone down and life was returning to the earth.

When it was safe, Noah and his family, along with all the animals, left the ark. They stepped onto dry land, grateful to be alive. Noah built an altar to thank God for keeping them safe. A beautiful rainbow appeared in the sky, a sign of God’s promise that He would never again send a flood to destroy the earth.

Noah and his family began to rebuild their lives, teaching others about kindness, faith, and the importance of living a good life. And so, the story of Noah and the ark was passed down through generations, a reminder of faith, obedience, and the promise of new beginnings.


Noah is safe in a boat story – नूह एक नाव में सुरक्षित है कहानी

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