Bible Stories

Noah and the flood bible story – नूह और बाढ़ बाइबिल कहानी

God looked down upon mankind and saw wickedness, violence and evil everywhere. He decided to destroy all living things on earth except Noah, who had ‘found favor in the sight of the Lord’.

God instructed Noah to build an ark that was 300 cubits long, 50 cubits wide and 30 cubits high. There has been controversy as to exactly how long a ‘cubit’ is in this context: although a typical cubit was reported to be 18 inches (the length of a man’s forearm from elbow to fingertip), it has been argued that The ‘sacred’ cubits were several inches long

God then instructed Noah to take ‘two of each kind’ of animals into the ark so that other animals would be wiped out, each species being preserved through these two specimens. When Noah was 600 years old, God sent rain for forty days and nights, causing the flood. Noah and his wife, sons and their wives, as well as the animals he had taken on the ark, survived the flood.

But every living thing outside the ark perished in the flood waters. The ship eventually stopped at the ‘Mountains of Ararat’, not Mount Ararat as is often assumed, as there was no such mountain.

When the water receded, Noah sent a raven out of the ark to search for dry land, and then a dove returned, so Noah waited a week and then sent it out. This happened several times, before the dove finally returned with an olive branch in its mouth: since then it has been a symbol of peace. In 9:13 God showed Noah the rainbow he had set in the clouds, which he told Noah was his covenant with man, that he would never again flood the earth.


Noah and the flood bible story – नूह और बाढ़ बाइबिल कहानी

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