Bible Stories

Nathan’s story – नाथन की कहानी

The story of Nathan is a significant episode in the biblical narrative, particularly in the life of King David, as recorded in the Old Testament of the Bible. Nathan was a prophet and a close advisor to King David.

Introduction of Nathan: Nathan first appears in 2 Samuel 7 when King David expresses his desire to build a temple for God. Nathan initially gives his approval to David’s plan, as it seems like a noble idea to build a house for God.

God’s Message to Nathan: However, that same night, God spoke to Nathan and delivered a different message. God revealed to Nathan that David would not be the one to build the temple, but that his son, Solomon, would carry out this task. God further promised that He would establish an everlasting kingdom for David’s descendants.

Nathan’s Correction of David: After receiving God’s message, Nathan went to King David and conveyed the divine revelation. He explained to David that it was not his role to build the temple but rather that God had chosen Solomon for that purpose. Nathan reminded David of God’s faithfulness and promise to bless his lineage.

David’s Repentance: In another significant event involving Nathan, King David committed a grave sin by having an affair with Bathsheba, the wife of one of his soldiers named Uriah. When Bathsheba became pregnant, David tried to cover up his sin by arranging for Uriah’s death in battle. David’s actions displeased God.

Nathan’s Parable: God sent Nathan to confront David about his sin. Nathan devised a parable about a rich man who took a poor man’s only beloved lamb, which had been like a family member. David, angered by the rich man’s actions, declared that the rich man deserved punishment.

David’s Conviction: Nathan then pointedly told David, “You are the man!” and exposed his sin. He explained that God saw what David had done and that there would be consequences for his actions. David was deeply convicted and repented of his sins, seeking God’s forgiveness.

Solomon’s Succession: Nathan’s prophecy about Solomon building the temple and David’s descendants ruling an everlasting kingdom came true. Solomon succeeded David as king and constructed the magnificent temple in Jerusalem.

Nathan’s story exemplifies the role of prophets in the Bible, serving as messengers of God and providing guidance, correction, and encouragement to God’s chosen leaders. He played a crucial role in shaping the events surrounding King David and his dynasty, ensuring that God’s plans and promises were fulfilled.


Nathan’s story – नाथन की कहानी

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