Bible Stories

Nathan rebukes david story – नाथन ने डेविड को फटकार लगाई कहानी

The story of Nathan rebuking David is a well-known episode from the Bible and is found in the Second Book of Samuel, specifically in 2 Samuel 12:1-15. This story recounts the prophet Nathan’s confrontation of King David regarding his sin with Bathsheba.

King David, known for his righteousness and as the “man after God’s own heart,” commits a grave sin. While walking on the roof of his palace one evening, he sees Bathsheba, the wife of Uriah the Hittite, bathing on a nearby rooftop. David is overcome with desire and sends messengers to bring Bathsheba to him. They engage in an adulterous relationship, and Bathsheba becomes pregnant.

When David learns that Bathsheba is pregnant with his child, he tries to cover up his sin. He summons Uriah, Bathsheba’s husband, who is away fighting in David’s army. David hopes that Uriah will sleep with his wife and thus assume responsibility for the child. However, Uriah refuses to go home and sleep with his wife, remaining faithful to his duty as a soldier.

God sends the prophet Nathan to confront David about his sin. Instead of directly accusing David, Nathan tells him a parable about a rich man who unjustly takes a poor man’s only beloved lamb to prepare a meal for a traveler. David becomes indignant and declares that the rich man deserves to die for his cruelty.

Nathan then delivers a stinging rebuke to David by revealing that David himself is the rich man in the parable. Nathan says, “You are the man!” and proceeds to condemn David for his sins of adultery and murder (since David had arranged for Uriah to be placed in a dangerous position in battle, leading to his death).

David is immediately convicted of his wrongdoing and acknowledges his sin. He confesses to Nathan, “I have sinned against the Lord.” Nathan assures David that God has forgiven him but warns that there will be consequences for his actions, including the death of the child conceived with Bathsheba.

Tragically, the child born to David and Bathsheba becomes seriously ill and dies despite David’s fervent prayers and fasting.

This story is often cited as a powerful example of God’s willingness to forgive those who genuinely repent, as well as a reminder of the consequences of sin, even for a great king like David. It serves as a moral and theological lesson in the Bible regarding the importance of acknowledging one’s sins and seeking forgiveness and redemption.


Nathan rebukes david story – नाथन ने डेविड को फटकार लगाई कहानी

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