Bible Stories

Mary listens to jesus story – मरियम यीशु की बात सुनती है कहानी

In the quiet village of Bethany, nestled among the hills not far from Jerusalem, lived two sisters, Mary and Martha. Their home was a place of warmth and hospitality, often filled with the aroma of home-cooked meals and the laughter of friends and family. This day was no different, except that they had a very special guest—Jesus.

News had spread quickly that Jesus was coming to visit. The sisters eagerly prepared their home for Him. Martha bustled about, ensuring that everything was perfect. She wanted to serve Jesus and His disciples a meal worthy of their esteemed guest.

Mary, on the other hand, had a different approach. As soon as Jesus entered their home and began to speak, she was captivated. She found a spot at His feet, her eyes fixed on Him, drinking in every word He spoke. Jesus’ teachings were like living water to her soul.

As Martha continued her preparations, she couldn’t help but notice her sister sitting idly at Jesus’ feet. The more she worked, the more her frustration grew. There was so much to do, and she felt overwhelmed by the burden of it all.

Finally, unable to contain her irritation, Martha approached Jesus. “Lord,” she said, “don’t you care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself? Tell her to help me!”

Jesus looked at Martha with compassion. He understood her feelings of being overburdened and stressed. But He also saw the importance of what Mary was doing. “Martha, Martha,” He replied gently, “you are worried and upset about many things, but few things are needed—or indeed only one. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.”

In that moment, Jesus taught an invaluable lesson. While Martha’s desire to serve was commendable, she had become distracted by the busyness of her tasks. Mary, on the other hand, had chosen to prioritize being in the presence of Jesus and listening to His words.

Jesus wasn’t dismissing the importance of service, but He was highlighting the necessity of balance. Service should flow from a heart that is first and foremost in communion with Him. It’s in His presence that we find the strength and peace to serve others joyfully.

Mary’s choice to sit at Jesus’ feet and listen is a timeless reminder for all of us. In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, it’s easy to become like Martha—worried and distracted by many things. But Jesus invites us to be like Mary, to take time to sit at His feet, to listen, and to learn.

In doing so, we find the “one thing” that is truly needed: a relationship with Him. From this place of intimacy and connection, our service becomes an outpouring of His love and grace, rather than a burden.

As Mary listened to Jesus that day, she demonstrated the heart of true worship—a heart that values being with Him above all else. And in Jesus’ affirmation of her choice, we see His invitation to each of us to do the same.


Mary listens to jesus story – मरियम यीशु की बात सुनती है कहानी

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