Bible Stories

Man born blind story – अंधे आदमी की कहानी

The story of the man born blind is found in the New Testament of the Bible, specifically in the Gospel of John, chapter 9, verses 1-41. It is a powerful account of Jesus healing a man who had been blind from birth, and the subsequent reactions and debates among the religious leaders.

* The Blind Man’s Condition: As Jesus and His disciples were walking, they encountered a man who had been blind from birth. The disciples asked Jesus if the man’s blindness was a result of his own sin or his parents’ sin.

* Jesus’ Response and Healing: Jesus clarified that neither the man nor his parents had sinned to cause his blindness. Instead, he explained that the man’s blindness presented an opportunity for God’s work to be displayed. Jesus then spat on the ground, made mud with His saliva, and applied it to the blind man’s eyes. He instructed the man to wash in the pool of Siloam.

* The Man’s Healing: As the man washed the mud from his eyes, he received his sight for the first time in his life. He could see.

* The Controversy: News of the miraculous healing spread, and people in the community were astonished. Some recognized the formerly blind man, while others doubted that he was the same person. They brought him to the Pharisees to investigate the matter.

* Interrogation by the Pharisees: The Pharisees questioned the man about the healing and how it happened. Some Pharisees were skeptical and refused to accept the healing as a miraculous sign from God, while others were divided in their opinions.

* His Parents’ Testimony: The Pharisees called in the man’s parents to verify that he had indeed been born blind and had received his sight. The parents confirmed their son’s condition but were afraid to speak further about the healing for fear of being expelled from the synagogue.

* The Blind Man’s Boldness: Frustrated by the Pharisees’ unwillingness to acknowledge the miracle, the man boldly stood his ground and testified about what Jesus had done for him.

* Jesus’ Encounter with the Healed Man: Later, Jesus found the healed man and revealed Himself to him as the Son of Man, the one who had healed him. The man expressed his belief in Jesus and worshiped Him.

* Spiritual Blindness: In response to the events surrounding the healing, Jesus taught about spiritual blindness, emphasizing that those who claim to see (the Pharisees) were actually blind to the truth, while the once-blind man now truly saw.

The story of the man born blind is a profound demonstration of Jesus’ compassion, power, and willingness to heal and transform lives. It also highlights the religious leaders’ spiritual blindness and their refusal to recognize the divine work of God unfolding before them. The healed man’s boldness in testifying about Jesus serves as an example of unwavering faith and willingness to stand up for the truth.


Man born blind story – अंधे आदमी की कहानी

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