Bible Stories

Lot’s wife looked back at the story – लूत की पत्नी ने पीछे मुड़कर देखा कहानी

In the ancient city of Sodom, known for its wickedness and moral decay, lived a man named Lot and his family. The cities of Sodom and Gomorrah were notorious for their sinfulness, and their time of reckoning had come. God had decided to destroy these cities due to their great evil, but He chose to spare Lot and his family because of Lot’s righteousness.

One fateful night, two angels came to Lot’s home and warned him of the impending destruction. They instructed Lot to gather his family and flee the city without looking back. The angels urged him to escape to the mountains for safety.

Lot, though initially hesitant, gathered his wife and two daughters. As they left their home, the heavens began to darken, and fiery brimstone rained down upon Sodom and Gomorrah. The destruction was catastrophic, turning the once thriving cities into smoldering ruins.

Lot and his family fled the city, following the angels’ instructions to run towards the mountains. As they journeyed away from the fiery destruction, they could hear the roaring flames and feel the heat of the devastation. Lot’s wife, however, found it increasingly difficult to resist the urge to look back at the city that had been her home.

Despite the angels’ warning, Lot’s wife’s curiosity and attachment to the life she was leaving behind overwhelmed her. Her heart was torn between her past and her present. She glanced over her shoulder, unable to resist the pull of the familiar.

As soon as she looked back, a divine judgment was swiftly enacted. Lot’s wife was instantly turned into a pillar of salt. The sight of her remaining as a lifeless monument was a stark reminder of the consequences of disobedience and the danger of clinging to the past.

Lot, devastated by the loss of his wife, continued with his daughters to the mountains as instructed. They eventually found refuge in a cave. Though they survived, the tragedy of his wife’s fate remained a poignant reminder of the peril of looking back.

The story of Lot’s wife serves as a powerful lesson about the dangers of longing for the past when moving forward is necessary. It symbolizes the importance of obedience to divine instructions and the need to let go of past attachments that may hinder progress.

Lot’s wife’s transformation into a pillar of salt became a lasting emblem of the consequences of disobedience and the necessity of focusing on the future rather than being ensnared by what has been left behind.


Lot’s wife looked back at the story – लूत की पत्नी ने पीछे मुड़कर देखा कहानी

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