Bible Stories

King of assyria story – असीरिया के राजा की कहानी

The term “King of Assyria” is mentioned numerous times in the Bible, as Assyria was a powerful ancient empire that played a significant role in the history of the Near East. There were several kings of Assyria throughout the centuries, and the Bible records various interactions between the Assyrian kings and the kingdoms of Israel and Judah. Here are some key events and stories involving the King of Assyria:

* Tiglath-Pileser : Tiglath-Pileser was one of the most influential kings of Assyria. In the 8th century BCE, he expanded the empire’s territories significantly. The Bible mentions him in 2 Kings 15:29 and 1 Chronicles 5:6, where he is recorded as capturing territories of Israel, including the tribes of Reuben, Gad, and half of Manasseh.

* Shalmaneser : Shalmaneser succeeded Tiglath-Pileser and continued Assyria’s military campaigns.he besieged the Israelite capital of Samaria and eventually captured it, leading to the fall of the Northern Kingdom of Israel in 722 BCE. The Assyrians exiled the Israelite population and replaced them with other peoples, giving rise to the concept of the “Lost Ten Tribes of Israel.”

* Sennacherib: Sennacherib was another prominent king of Assyria, ruling in the late 8th century BCE. Sennacherib launched a military campaign against the Kingdom of Judah during the reign of King Hezekiah. Hezekiah sought God’s help through the prophet Isaiah, and miraculously, an angel of the Lord killed 185,000 Assyrian soldiers, leading to Sennacherib’s retreat.

* Esarhaddon: Esarhaddon was the son of Sennacherib and succeeded him as king of Assyria. He is briefly mentioned in 2 Kings 19:37 as the one who killed his father Sennacherib.

* Ashurbanipal: Ashurbanipal, also known as Ashurbanipal II, was one of the last great kings of Assyria. He was a patron of arts and culture and assembled an extensive library in Nineveh, containing numerous cuneiform texts, including the Epic of Gilgamesh. His reign was during the 7th century BCE.

The history of the Assyrian kings is significant in the context of biblical narratives, especially concerning their interactions with the kingdoms of Israel and Judah. Their military campaigns and conquests had profound impacts on the biblical narrative, leading to the exile of the Israelites and influencing the course of ancient history in the Near East.


King of assyria story – असीरिया के राजा की कहानी

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