Bible Stories

Joab & abner story – योआब और अब्नेर की कहानी

The story of Joab and Abner is found in the Old Testament of the Bible, specifically in the books of 2 Samuel and 1 Kings. Joab and Abner were prominent figures during the reign of King David, and their interactions are intertwined with the political and military events of their time. 

Background: After the death of Saul, the first king of Israel, David was anointed as the new king over Judah. Abner, who was Saul’s cousin and commander of his army, supported Saul’s son, Ish-bosheth, as the king over the rest of Israel (excluding Judah). This led to a divided kingdom with David ruling in Judah and Ish-bosheth reigning over the northern tribes.

Abner’s Alliance with David: During a long-lasting war between the forces of David and Ish-bosheth, Abner decided to change allegiances and support David as the rightful king over the entire nation. He met with David and made a covenant with him to bring all of Israel under David’s rule.

Joab’s Vengeance: Joab, who was David’s nephew and the commander of his army, was not pleased with Abner’s sudden change of loyalty. Joab had a personal vendetta against Abner because Abner had killed Joab’s brother, Asahel, in a previous battle.

Joab’s Murder of Abner: Taking advantage of a private meeting between Abner and David, Joab secretly lured Abner back to Hebron. Once there, Joab pretended to embrace Abner in friendship and then stabbed him to death as an act of revenge for his brother’s death.

David’s Grief and Denouncement: When David heard of Abner’s murder, he was deeply grieved and publicly denounced Joab and his brothers for their treacherous act. David publicly mourned for Abner, acknowledging that he was a great leader who died tragically.

Joab’s Actions and Later Consequences: Despite David’s denouncement, Joab remained the commander of David’s army. However, his actions continued to cause problems for David throughout his reign. Later in David’s life, Joab was involved in the plot to put Adonijah (David’s son) on the throne instead of Solomon, which led to Joab’s execution by order of King Solomon.

The story of Joab and Abner showcases the complexities and power struggles that often arise in politics and military affairs. It also highlights the consequences of revenge and the importance of leadership that seeks unity and reconciliation rather than personal vendettas. Despite their roles in the turbulent events of their time, both Joab and Abner played significant roles in the history of Israel during the reign of King David.


Joab & abner story – योआब और अब्नेर की कहानी

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