Bible Stories

Jesus is tempted in the wilderness – जंगल में यीशु की परीक्षा होती है।

The story of Jesus being tempted in the wilderness is a significant episode from the New Testament of the Bible, found in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke. It narrates Jesus’ experience of facing temptations from Satan shortly after his baptism by John the Baptist. This event holds spiritual and moral lessons and highlights Jesus’ steadfastness in the face of temptation.

* Jesus’ Baptism – After his baptism in the Jordan River by John the Baptist, Jesus was led by the Holy Spirit into the wilderness.

* Forty Days and Nights – Jesus spent forty days and nights fasting and praying in the wilderness, a period of spiritual preparation.

* Temptations by Satan –

 – First Temptation:* Satan approached Jesus and tempted him to turn stones into bread, appealing to his hunger. Satan challenged Jesus to use his divine power for his own needs.
 – Second Temptation:* Satan took Jesus to the pinnacle of the temple in Jerusalem and suggested that he jump, saying that the angels would save him. This temptation aimed to test Jesus’ trust in God’s protection.
 – Third Temptation:* Satan showed Jesus all the kingdoms of the world and offered to give them to him if Jesus would bow down and worship him. This temptation targeted Jesus’ mission and authority as the Son of God.

* Jesus’ Responses – In each temptation, Jesus responded by quoting Scripture that emphasized his commitment to God and his refusal to yield to worldly desires. He countered Satan’s enticements with declarations of faith and reliance on God.

* Satan’s Departure – After the third temptation, Satan left Jesus, and angels came to minister to him.

* Resistance to Temptation – Jesus’ ability to resist the temptations of Satan showcases his moral strength and unwavering commitment to his divine mission.

*Trust in God – Jesus’ reliance on Scripture to counter the temptations highlights the importance of grounding oneself in God’s Word and trusting in God’s guidance.

*Humanity of Jesus – Jesus’ experience of hunger, exhaustion, and temptation underscores his full humanity, as he faced the same challenges and struggles that humans do.

*Victory Over Evil – Jesus’ triumph over Satan demonstrates his power over evil forces and his role as the Savior who overcomes sin and temptation.

*Example for Believers – The story serves as an example for believers, encouraging them to rely on God’s strength, resist worldly temptations, and remain faithful to their spiritual calling.

The story of Jesus being tempted in the wilderness is a pivotal moment in the New Testament, symbolizing the beginning of Jesus’ public ministry and his ultimate victory over sin and evil. It is a testament to Jesus’ moral integrity and serves as an inspiration for believers seeking to navigate their own challenges and trials.


Jesus is tempted in the wilderness – जंगल में यीशु की परीक्षा होती है।

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