Bible Stories

Jesus forgives peter story – यीशु ने पीटर को माफ कर दिया कहानी

The story of Jesus forgiving Peter is a significant event that took place after Jesus’ resurrection and is recorded in the Gospel of John, chapter 21. It depicts a powerful moment of reconciliation and restoration between Jesus and His disciple Peter.

After Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection, He appeared to His disciples multiple times to strengthen and encourage them. In one of these encounters, Peter and some of the other disciples decided to go fishing on the Sea of Galilee.

However, after fishing all night without success, Jesus appeared on the shore, though the disciples did not initially recognize Him. Jesus called out to them, advising them to cast their nets on the other side of the boat. They followed His instructions and caught an abundance of fish.

Upon realizing that it was Jesus who had given them this miraculous catch, Peter leaped into the water and swam to shore to be with Him. The other disciples followed in the boat, dragging the net full of fish.

When they reached the shore, they found that Jesus had prepared a charcoal fire and was cooking fish. Jesus invited them to bring some of the fish they had caught and join Him for breakfast.

After the meal, Jesus engaged in a conversation with Peter. He asked Peter three times, “Simon, son of John, do you love me?” Each time Peter responded affirmatively, expressing his love for Jesus.

Through this dialogue, Jesus was not only reaffirming Peter’s love and commitment but also addressing Peter’s threefold denial of Him prior to His crucifixion. Peter had denied knowing Jesus three times out of fear during the events leading up to Jesus’ death.

In response to Peter’s profession of love, Jesus gave him a specific charge, saying, “Feed my lambs” and “Take care of my sheep.” Jesus was commissioning Peter to be a leader and shepherd within the community of believers.

This encounter between Jesus and Peter symbolized forgiveness, restoration, and commissioning. Jesus was reinstating Peter into a position of trust and leadership despite his previous denial. It was an opportunity for Peter to fully reconcile with Jesus and move forward in his ministry.

The story of Jesus forgiving Peter serves as a powerful example of God’s grace, mercy, and willingness to restore and forgive those who have faltered or sinned. It demonstrates Jesus’ deep love for His disciples and His desire to see them grow and fulfill their calling.

For Peter, this encounter marked a turning point in his life, propelling him to become one of the central figures in the early Christian movement. It reminded him of his forgiveness and the significance of his role as a shepherd and leader in the spread of the Gospel.

Overall, the story of Jesus forgiving Peter is a testament to the transformative power of forgiveness and the redemptive work of Jesus in the lives of His followers. It highlights the importance of acknowledging our shortcomings, seeking forgiveness, and embracing the call to serve and love others.


Jesus forgives peter story – यीशु ने पीटर को माफ कर दिया कहानी

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