Bible Stories

Jeremiah and the potter’s house story – यिर्मयाह और कुम्हार के घर की कहानी

The story of Jeremiah and the Potter’s House is found in the Book of Jeremiah, specifically in Jeremiah 18:1-12, in the Old Testament of the Bible. It is a symbolic encounter between the prophet Jeremiah and a potter, which carries a powerful message from God for the people of Judah.

God’s Command to Jeremiah: In this particular episode, God instructs Jeremiah to go down to the potter’s house and observe the potter’s work carefully.

The Potter and the Clay: At the potter’s house, Jeremiah saw a potter working on his wheel, shaping a lump of clay into a vessel. However, the vessel he was making was marred in his hands.

The Lesson from the Potter: As the potter saw that the vessel was spoiled, he did not discard it. Instead, he reshaped the clay into another vessel, as it seemed good to him.

God’s Message: After Jeremiah observed the potter’s work, God spoke to him, using this visual lesson to convey a message to the people of Judah.

Symbolic Interpretation: God compared Himself to the potter, and the people of Judah were likened to the clay. The message was that just as the potter had the power to shape and reshape the clay as he pleased, so did God have the authority to deal with the nation of Judah according to His divine will.

Call to Repentance: The primary lesson from the Potter’s House was that God was willing to work with the people of Judah despite their shortcomings and sins. However, their response to His molding and guidance would determine their future.

Promise of Judgment or Blessing: Depending on how the people responded to God’s call for repentance and obedience, He would either bring judgment upon them if they continued in their sinful ways, or He would bless and restore them if they turned back to Him.

The story of Jeremiah and the Potter’s House serves as a powerful reminder of God’s sovereignty and His desire for His people to turn to Him in repentance and obedience. It emphasizes the significance of God’s grace and His willingness to work with individuals and nations, despite their flaws and mistakes, in order to shape them into vessels of honor and purpose according to His divine plan.


Jeremiah and the potter’s house story – यिर्मयाह और कुम्हार के घर की कहानी

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