Isaac And Abraham Sacrifice Bible Story –
Isaac And Abraham Sacrifice Bible Story
At the age of ninety, Abraham’s wife, Sarah, gave birth to a son. He was named Isaac. Before Isaac’s birth, Abraham had made Hagar, a maid with Egypt, a sub-wife. He had a son named ‘Israel’.
After Isaac was born, Sarah asked Abraham to throw Hagar and his son out of the house. She did not want a maid son to possess Abraham’s legacy with her son.
Abraham was unhappy about this. But God said to him, “Abraham. As Sarah has said. Do the same. Remove Hagar and Ismael from the house. Your seed will remain by Isaac. Don’t worry about Israel too. He is also your son. So I will create a great nation by him too.”
Obeying God, Abraham gave Hagar a mashaak full of bread and water. Then he put Israel in his lap and threw him out of the house.
Now Abraham began to live with Sarah and his son Isaac.
One day God tested Abraham. He called out his name, “Abraham Abraham.”
Abraham replied, “I’m presenting.”
God said to him, “Abraham, I command you to take your beloved son to moria. There I will sacrifice the mountain I tell you.”
Abraham got up early in the morning and tied a gene on his ass. Then he prepared wood for the home sacrifice and took his son Isaac to Moria. He was accompanied by two servants.
He went on for three days. On the third day he reached Moria country. There he raised his head and saw the mountain of Moria. He said to his servants, “You guys stop here and take care of the donkey. I’m going forward with my son. I’ll worship and come back in a little while.”
Both the servants stopped there. Abraham loaded the wood of the home sacrifice on the back of his son Isaac. With fire and knife in his hand, he began to move forward with Isaac.

Isaac understood that they were going to sacrifice. But he could not understand where the sacrificial lamb was. He asked Abraham, “Dad! We have fire and wood then. But, where is the home lamb? How do we sacrifice?”
Abraham replied, “Son! Believe in God. He’ll arrange a home lamb for us.”
In no time, the two reached the place told by God. Abraham built an altar there and decorated it with wood. Then he tied his son Isaac and laid him on the altar.
Now he was ready to sacrifice his only son according to God’s command. He picked up the knife and moved it towards Isaac. Then he heard the voice of the Lord’s messenger, “Abraham, Abraham,”
Abraham replied, “I’m presenting.”
The messenger said, “Do not raise your hand on the child; Don’t harm him in any way. I know how much faith you have in God. You didn’t refuse to give me even your only son.”
Abraham raised his eyes, and saw a ram trapped in the bush. Abraham pulled the ram out of the bush and sacrificed it in place of his son. He named the place ‘The Lord’s Management’.
The Lord’s messenger called out to Abraham again, “This is the voice of the Lord. You didn’t refuse to give me even your only son. I will always bless you.
I will make your descendants innumerable like the stars of the sky and the sand of the sea and they will take control of the cities of their enemies. You have obeyed me; Therefore, by your seed all the nations of the earth will be blessed.”
Abraham got down from the hill and came to his servants. After that he went to ‘Beer-Sheba’ and moved there
Best view i have ever seen !