Bible Stories

God promises a paradise story – भगवान एक स्वर्ग का वादा करता है कहानी

In the land of ancient Mesopotamia, where civilizations flourished and empires rose and fell, there lived a man named Abraham. He was a faithful servant of God, who had blessed him with many flocks and riches. Abraham had followed God’s guidance through many trials and had come to trust in His promises.

One night, as Abraham lay under the vast, starlit sky, God spoke to him in a vision. “Fear not, Abraham,” God said. “I am your shield; your reward shall be very great.”

“But, O Lord,” Abraham replied, “what can You give me, since I remain childless and the one who will inherit my estate is Eliezer of Damascus?” Abraham had no children of his own and was concerned about his legacy.

God took Abraham outside and said, “Look up at the sky and count the stars—if indeed you can count them.” Then He said to him, “So shall your offspring be.” Abraham believed the Lord, and God credited it to him as righteousness.

God then made a covenant with Abraham, promising that he would become the father of a great nation and that his descendants would inherit a land flowing with milk and honey. This land was to be a paradise, a place where his people could live in peace and prosperity under God’s protection and guidance.

Years passed, and God fulfilled His promise. Abraham’s wife, Sarah, bore him a son named Isaac, through whom the promise would continue. Isaac had a son named Jacob, who was later called Israel. His twelve sons became the leaders of the twelve tribes of Israel, the people of God’s promise.

The story of God’s promise of a paradise continued through the generations, reminding the people of His faithfulness and the hope of a future where they would dwell in a land of eternal peace and joy. This promise was not only for Abraham’s descendants but also for all who would believe in God’s covenant, a promise that would be fulfilled in the coming of the Messiah, who would bring salvation and establish God’s kingdom on earth, a true paradise for all believers.


God promises a paradise story – भगवान एक स्वर्ग का वादा करता है कहानी

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