Pastor Pankaj Randhawa

Get Ready For The Sweet Distribution Service In The Church Of Wisdom And Power.

Get Ready For The Sweet Distribution Sunday Service In The Church Of Wisdom And Power (IBBAN Church) AMRITSAR 16-10-22
” And I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten , the cankerworm and the caterpillar and the palmer worm , My great army which I sent among you . “
( Joel 2:25 )
Church Warm Greetings in Christ
Church the devil wants to steal the sweetness and abundance of your blessings. But THIS SUNDAY, it shall be recovered. Through anointed sweet, Sweetness and Favour will pour out upon you and your family. God is going to rewrite your story . As you are going to attend this Anointed Sweet Distribution Sunday Service, your finances , health , career , and life will all be reset . The devil tried to destroy you , but Jehovah will renew you .The Lord wants to fill you so much with HIS SPIRIT, POWER, AND KNOWLEDGE that you OVERFLOW. Come and receive your New Beginning and overflow of His blessings in your life . You shall not be forgotten.

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