Bible Stories

Even david doesn’t get it – डेविड को भी नहीं मिलता

In the time when David was on the run from King Saul, he found himself in several situations where he had the opportunity to take revenge. Despite being anointed as the future king of Israel, David chose to demonstrate mercy and leave vengeance in God’s hands.

One of the most notable instances of this occurred in the wilderness of En Gedi. Saul, with three thousand chosen men, was seeking David to kill him. Saul entered a cave to relieve himself, not knowing that David and his men were hiding further back in the same cave. David’s men saw this as a perfect opportunity and urged David to kill Saul, saying that this was the day the Lord had spoken of when He said He would deliver David’s enemy into his hands.

David stealthily approached Saul and cut off a corner of Saul’s robe but did not kill him. His conscience was immediately troubled for even this minor act against the Lord’s anointed king.

David rebuked his men and prevented them from attacking Saul. When Saul left the cave, David followed him out and called after him, showing the piece of the robe as evidence that he meant no harm.

David’s message to Saul was clear: despite being unjustly pursued and having the chance to retaliate, David chose not to harm Saul, respecting him as the Lord’s anointed. Saul was moved by David’s words and wept, acknowledging David’s righteousness and his own wrongdoing. He even admitted that David would surely become the king of Israel and asked David to swear that he would not cut off his descendants or destroy his name from his father’s family, to which David agreed.

David’s decision to not get even and instead show mercy highlights his deep faith in God’s justice and timing. This story serves as a powerful example of restraint, humility, and the high road of forgiveness.


Even david doesn’t get it – डेविड को भी नहीं मिलता

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