Bible Stories

Elisha helps a rich woman story – एलीशा एक अमीर महिला की मदद करती है कहानी

In the town of Shunem, there lived a wealthy woman who showed great hospitality to the prophet Elisha. Whenever Elisha passed through Shunem, she would invite him to stay for a meal. Recognizing Elisha as a holy man of God, she suggested to her husband that they build a small room on their roof for Elisha to stay in whenever he visited. The room was furnished with a bed, a table, a chair, and a lamp, providing Elisha with a comfortable place to rest.

Touched by her kindness, Elisha wanted to do something for her in return. He asked his servant Gehazi to find out what she needed. Gehazi noted that the woman was childless and her husband was old. Elisha called the woman and told her that by the same time next year, she would hold a son in her arms. The woman, initially skeptical, was overwhelmed with joy when the prophecy came true, and she gave birth to a son the following year.

Years later, the child, now a young boy, went out to his father in the fields and suddenly cried out in pain, “My head, my head!” The father had a servant carry the boy to his mother, but despite her care, the boy died in her lap. Distraught, the woman laid her son on Elisha’s bed, shut the door, and set out to find Elisha at Mount Carmel.

When she reached Elisha, she fell at his feet in anguish. Gehazi tried to push her away, but Elisha recognized her deep distress and asked her what was wrong. The woman revealed the tragic death of her son. Elisha immediately sent Gehazi ahead with his staff to lay on the boy’s face, but the mother insisted that Elisha himself come with her.

Elisha arrived at the house and went into the room where the boy lay dead. He shut the door, prayed to the Lord, and then lay on the boy, placing his mouth on the boy’s mouth, his eyes on the boy’s eyes, and his hands on the boy’s hands. The boy’s body grew warm, but he did not awaken. Elisha walked back and forth in the house and then repeated the process. Suddenly, the boy sneezed seven times and opened his eyes. Elisha called Gehazi and told him to summon the Shunammite woman. When she came, Elisha said, “Take your son.” She fell at Elisha’s feet in gratitude, picked up her son, and left.

This story highlights the profound faith of the Shunammite woman and the miraculous power of God working through His prophet Elisha. Her hospitality and faith were rewarded not only with the birth of a son but also with the miraculous restoration of her son’s life. The story serves as a powerful testament to the importance of faith, persistence, and the miraculous ways God can intervene in human lives through His chosen servants.


Elisha helps a rich woman story – एलीशा एक अमीर महिला की मदद करती है कहानी

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