Bible Stories

Death of moses – मूसा की मृत्यु

Joshua was a good helper to Moses. He had been with Moses ever since God led His people out of Egypt to go to the Promised Land. He had climbed part of the way up Mount Sinai with Moses and had waited for him when God was giving the Ten Commandments. Joshua had been one of the twelve spies that Moses sent into the Land to see what it was like. Joshua always had faith that God would take care of His people.

Moses was now a very old man. He was 120 years old. Even though he was still strong he knew it was time for a new leader. He called all of the people together.

“The Lord wanted us to enter the Promised Land forty years ago but we did not have enough faith. Only Joshua and Caleb believed that the Lord would help us. The time is coming soon to enter the Land. You must all have courage because the Lord will be with you. The Lord has told me that I will not enter the land.”

(Do you remember how Moses did not honour the Lord and obey him? Remember how he hit the rock instead of speaking to it as the Lord said? That is why he would not enter the Promised Land.)

Moses continued to talk to the people, “Now is the time to appoint a new leader. He will be the one to take you into the Promised Land. Joshua will be your new leader.” Moses encouraged Joshua to also have courage and to be a good leader. Moses told the people to always obey the Lord.

After Moses talked to the people, the Lord told him to climb to the top of Mount Nebo. Mount Nebo was very high and Moses could look out and see the Jordan River. He could see the Promised Land on the other side of the river. Many old people cannot see well but Moses had very good eyesight. He must have been very happy to see the land that the Lord had promised for his people. The Lord must have loved him very much to show him the land.

Moses never went inside the Promised Land. After viewing it, he died. The Bible says that the Lord buried Moses and no one knew where his grave was. The people were very sad to lose this great leader. They knew that Joshua would be a good leader but they remembered all of the wonderful things that Moses had done. Moses was a great man of God. “Since then, no prophet has risen in Israel like Moses, whom the Lord knew face to face, who did all those miraculous signs and wonders the Lord sent him to do in Egypt—to Pharaoh and to all his officials and to his whole land. For no one has ever shown the mighty power or performed the awesome deeds that Moses did in the sight of all Israel.”


Death of moses – मूसा की मृत्यु

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