Bible Stories

Bible Story Of Noah’s Ark –

Bible Story Of Noah’s Ark 


The wickedness of humans on earth began to grow. His mind and mind were filled with bad thoughts and bad tendencies. When God saw this, he was sad. They regretted that they created humans on earth.

So he said, “I will wipe out the mankind i have created from the earth – and human beings as well as animals, reptiles, and birds of the sky – because I am sorry That I have created them.”
Noah was virtuous and innocent person in the people of his time. He walked the path of God. He had three sons – Bean, Ham and Yafet. He had godly grace. When sin began to grow in the world and all the bodily beings began to follow violence and evil, God said to Noah, “The world is filled with violence by all bodily beings. That’s why I’ve resolved to destroy them.”
God continued to noah, “Make for yourself a vessel of gopher tree wood. That vessel is three hundred hands long, fifty hands wide and thirty hands high. Make a hand-high window around it, build a door and make floors of the bottom, middle and top. In that vessel you create the chamber. I will send a deluge for the destruction of all the creatures of the earth. Everything that is on earth will be destroyed. But, I will keep my relationship with you. Because in this generation only you are religious in my eyes. Your son, your credit And the wives of your sons, all will enter the vessel with you.”

God ordered Noah to take seven pairs of males and females out of all the pure animals on earth, and two pairs of males and females, seven pairs of males and females from the birds of the sky. So that they exist on earth. God also instructed Noah to carry all kinds of food with him on the ship and store them.
Noah did everything according to God’s command. He built the vessel and boarded the vessel with his family and animals and animals told by God. The Lord then closed the door of the vessel.

On the seventh day, the flood water began to rain. Forty days and forty nights rained on the earth. The water increased and the vessel was lifted above the earth’s surface. The water spread to the earth and the vessel floated on the surface of the water.
So much water increased on the earth that it covered the mountains as well. Fifteen hands from the mountains filled up to the top of the water. Living on earth all the bodily died. God destroyed all the creatures of the earth. Only they survived, who were in the vessel with Noah.
Forty days and forty nights of rainwater continued to rain. After that the rain stopped. The earth was completely submerged. The water on earth stretched for a hundred and fifty days. Then God swelled the air and the water began to recede. The water slowly began to subside on earth. A hundred and fifty days later the water receded and the vessel started moving to the mountain range of Ararat.
Forty days later Noah opened the window built in the vessel and left a crow. The crow kept coming and going until the water on earth dried up.

After waiting for seven days, Noah left a vessel to determine whether the water on earth was dry. Kapot could not find a place to set foot anywhere and returned to Noah. Noah caught hold of the vessel and kept it inside the vessel.
After waiting for another seven days, he again left the ship outside the vessel. When the pigeon returned to him in the evening, he had an olive green leaf in his beak. Noah understood that the water had receded on the earth’s surface. He then left the kapot after waiting for seven days and this time he did not return to him.

Noh then removed the roof of the vessel and looked outside the vessel. The earth’s surface had dried up.
God said to Noah, “Now come out of the vessel with your wife, your sons and the wives of your sons. Bring out every creature – animals, birds and all animals crawling on earth. Let them spread to the earth – flourish and increase the number of their species on earth.”
Noah came out of the vessel with his family and all the animals. He built an altar for God and chose some of the pure animals and birds of all kinds and offered their home on the altar.

The Lord, receiving their fragrance, said in his mind, “I will never curse the earth again because of man, because from childhood man has been inclined towards evil. I will never destroy all beings again, as I have just done.”

God blessed Noah and his sons, spreading flowers and earth, and taking it into your control.

Thus the earth was then populated by the descendants of Noah.

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