Bible Story Of Adam And Eve –
Bible Story Of Adam And Eve
After the creation of the whole creation, God created man from the soil of the earth and breathed life into his nostrils. Thus man became a living element. He was called ‘Adam’.
The water flows from the ground were irrigating the earth, and all kinds of wild and fruity plants began to grow in it. God then built a garden in Aden on the east side.
There were all kinds of plants in the garden of Aden. In the middle of it was the ‘tree of life’, which was also a tree of knowledge of good and bad. To irrigate the garden, a river came out of Aden, which was four streams
The first stream to irrigate Aden is ‘Pishon’. This stream flows all around the country. Gold is found there. There are gugguls and onymeds also meet.
The second stream is called ‘Gihon’, which flows around the kush country. The third stream is called ‘Dajala’, which flows east of Assoor and the fourth stream is called ‘Farat’.

God placed adam, the man he had fabricated in the garden of Aden, who looked after the garden and cultivated it. According to God’s command, he was allowed to eat the fruit of every tree in the garden. but he was not allowed to eat the fruits of the life tree.
God had given him clear instructions never to eat the fruit of the tree of life or the tree of knowledge of good and bad. If you eat its fruit, you’ll die.
God did not want man to be alone. He said, “It was not good for man to be alone. So I’ll make him a suitable ally.”
God created all the animals of the earth and all the birds in the sky from the soil and took them to Adam. Adam named them. But he did not find a suitable ally for himself.
Then God put him to sleep soundly. Then he removed his rib and filled the meat in his place. God made a woman out of adam’s rib and took her to her. She called ‘Eve’.
Read: Genesis Story Bible
Adam and Eve (Adam And Eve) were both naked. But they did not feel ashamed in front of each other. They used to roam in aden garden. They ate the fruits of every tree. But because of God’s command, he never went near the tree of life.
One day the snake went to Eve. He was the most cunning of all animals created by God. He asked Eve, “Has God forbidden you from eating the fruits of the trees of the garden?”
Eve replied, “No, we can eat the fruits of all the trees in the garden. But God has forbidden us from eating the fruits of the life tree in the middle of the garden. They have forbidden us to touch him. If we eat it, we will definitely die.”
Hearing this, the snake lured Eve and said, “It’s not like that. You won’t die. God has forbidden you from eating that fruit because eating its fruit will open your eyes, you will know the good and the bad, and thus you will be similar to God. He broke the fruit and ate it and gave it to Adam. Adam also ate the fruit. Both eyes opened as soon as they ate the fruit. They realized that they were naked. At this stage, they began to feel ashamed in front of each other. So they folded the fig leaves and made nappy for themselves.
At the same time, as they walked in the Garden of Aden, they heard the voice of the Lord and God, and they hid behind the trees in shame and fear.
God called out to Adam, “Where are you Adam?”
Adam replied, “Lord, I am naked. That’s why I’ve been hiding from you.”
The Lord asked, “Who told you that you are naked? Have you eaten the fruit of the tree that I forbade you from eating?”
Adam said, “Lord, the woman you made to live with me brought me the fruit of that tree, and I ate it.”
God asked Eve, “Have you done this?”
Eve replied, “The snake lured me, and I ate the fruit of that tree.”
Then God said to the snake, “You have done this. Therefore you will be cursed in all domestic and wild animals. You will walk on your stomach and eat soil for the rest of your life. I will create enmity between you and the woman, between your seed and his seed. He will crush your head and you will cut off their heels.
God said to Eve, “I will increase the pain of your pregnancy and you will give birth to a child in pain. You will be unattached to the husband because of lust and he will rule over you.”
He said to Adam, “Since you have listened to your wife and eaten the fruit of the tree that I refused to eat, the land will be cursed because of you. You will work hard all your life to earn your living from him. She will produce thorns and camels and you will eat farm plants. You will sweat and eat your bread until you are in that land.
God made and dressed skins for Adam and Eve. He drove them out of the Garden of Aden and placed kerubas and a parivartan fiery sword to the east of aden-vatika to guard the path of the tree of life.
It was because of god’s disobeying order that man had to cultivate the land from which he was built, and the woman suffered from pregnancy.