Bible Stories

Inspirational Stories on the Importance of the Bible

Inspirational Stories on the Importance of the Bible – Importance of The Word of God

Sithani’s spoon

A wealthy family invited the pastor to their home and held a thanksgiving prayer.
During the prayer, the pastor preached by emphasizing the importance of reading God’s Word (the Bible) daily.
On this the wife of the rich Seth spoke in the middle… Yes, Pastor, we don’t even start our day without reading the Bible. We read the Bible every morning and evening….Reading the word of God gives us a lot of blessings….
Hearing this, the Pastor smiled and ended the meeting with a prayer.
The family immediately served food for the pastor in the same table and the food was on a beautiful plate and the pastor was given a golden spoon to eat. All the utensils were looking expensive and were shining.
After eating the food, the pastor went to his house after thanking him.
But the mistress of the house (Sethani) was very restless. Was looking for something for a long time… Seeing this, the rich Seth asked what happened? What are you looking for?
Sithani said that I do not know that the spoon which was given to Pastor ji to eat is not being found.
Rich Seth said no no he is a man of prayer…we should not doubt him!!

Hey who else came after him who could take our spoon? … otherwise why is it not visible, I have seen the whole place, the spoon is not visible anywhere…
Seth said oh no problem, it is only a matter of a spoon, let it go.
But Sithani was not taking the name of being silent…saying that my spoon set got spoiled.
Seth could not believe that the pastor could also do this… but no one was daring to ask the pastor.
After about four months he again held a prayer meeting in his house and invited the same pastor to his house.
As soon as the pastor came to his house and sat with Seth’s wife, he could not stay and said, Pastor, you do not mind but I want to ask you something.
The pastor said, tell what sister do you want to ask.
Seth’s wife asked the pastor that since the last time you came, Pastor, I have not been able to get my golden spoon.
The pastor asked him, have you read the Bible today??
The woman said yes, we read the Bible twice a day.
The pastor said will you open your Bible.
The woman said yes, I will definitely open it…
The pastor told that on that day he had washed the spoon after using it and kept it in the Bible of Sithani.

Japanese car

A person wanted to show his entire city that he has something that no one in that city has.
So he bought a very beautiful Japanese car. With which there was also a manual to drive that car.
In that car, all the parts were written in Japanese language. And he and no one in his city knew the Japanese language.
He thought no problem, I will learn this Japanese language… and he went to Japan to learn Japanese and in 5 years he learned Japanese.
When he came back to his country, he thought I had learned the language but if this car breaks down then who will fix it… because there is no mechanic in this city who can fix a Japanese car. And which mechanic will I call from Japan?
So he went to Japan again and spent 5 more years, he learned to work as a mechanic and learn how to disassemble and repair a Japanese car.
In those days someone told him to learn the rules and regulations of traffic too, he spent one more year and learned all the rules and regulations of the traffic.

Now he knew the Japanese language too…and even knew how to repair a Japanese car. Moreover, he knew all the rules and regulations of the traffic.
After many years of teaching, when he came to his country and started sitting inside his car, as soon as he started the car, he came to know that he does not know how to drive a car.
Similarly, the life of many people is the Bible which is the gift of God in human life. Know a lot about him…learn…learn his native language, spend a lot of time and money by putting in many years but they just don’t do it to live life according to the Bible God has given them.


Important Words of the Bible

importance of the Word Of God

Every scripture is inspired by God. (2 Timothy 3:16)

Blessed are those who hear and obey the word of God. (Luke 11:28)

The grass dries up and the flower withers, but the word of God will stand forever. (Isaiah 40:8)

How can a youth keep his conduct pure, being careful according to God’s word? (Psalm 119:9)

The Word of God is straightforward and all His work is done in truth. (Psalm 33:4)

Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to the path. (Psalm 119:105)


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