Bible Stories

Ark of god returned story – भगवान के सन्दूक की वापसी की कहानी

The story of the return of the Ark of God is found in the book of 1 Samuel in the Old Testament of the Bible, specifically in 1 Samuel 6.

Philistines and the Capture of the Ark: The Philistines, enemies of the Israelites, had captured the Ark of God during a battle. They took it as a trophy and placed it in the temple of their god, Dagon. However, the presence of the Ark caused trouble for the Philistines, as their idol fell before the Ark on two occasions and they experienced a plague of tumors.

The Philistine Troubles: After witnessing the destruction caused by the Ark, the Philistines sought to find a way to return it to the Israelites. They consulted their priests and diviners, who advised them to make golden replicas of the tumors and the rats that had infested their land as a guilt offering.

The Philistine Plan: The Philistines constructed a new cart and placed the golden replicas, along with the Ark, on it. They also harnessed two milk cows that had never been yoked before to the cart. The idea was to see if the cows, driven by instinct, would lead the cart back to Israel if it was indeed the God of Israel who had afflicted them.

The Return of the Ark: The milk cows, without any human guidance, headed straight for the territory of Israel, lowing as they went. The Philistines and the people of Israel watched in amazement as the cows brought the cart containing the Ark to Beth Shemesh, an Israelite town.

Rejoicing and Offering: The people of Beth Shemesh, upon seeing the return of the Ark, rejoiced and offered burnt offerings to the Lord. However, some of the people showed disrespect and looked into the Ark, and God struck them down as a result.

The Ark’s Journey: After the Ark arrived in Beth Shemesh, it was later taken to Kiriath-Jearim, where it remained for several years until King David eventually brought it to Jerusalem.

This story emphasizes the power and presence of God and highlights the reverence and respect that should be shown toward sacred objects. It also reveals how the Philistines were unable to keep the Ark because of the afflictions they experienced. The story demonstrates God’s sovereignty and His ability to work through extraordinary circumstances to accomplish His purposes.


Ark of god returned story – भगवान के सन्दूक की वापसी की कहानी

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