Pastor Pankaj Randhawa

Pastor Pankaj Randhawa & Evg. Poonam Randhawa with Apostle Ankur Narula & Pastor Sonia Narula

जैसे लोहा लोहे को चमका देता है, वैसे ही मनुष्य का मुख अपने मित्र की संगति से चमकदार हो जाता है। नीतिवचन 27:17
Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend. Proverb 27:17
This time is blessed Precious time of our life when we met our Spiritual Parents, Dear Dad “The General of God Apostle Ankur Yoseph Narula and Dear Mom Pastor Sonia Yoseph Narula ji”. So many learn new thing, receive new Grace, New Level For our Minisitry, Spiritually and our life.

So tomorrow Sunday get ready to receive the same Grace which we have received. We’ll see new things in your Lives, Finance , Business, Jobs, Family and in your spiritual Lives. You will not remain same. In Jesus Name
By: Pastor Pankaj Randhawa & Evg. Poonam Randhawa
Ebenezer Randhawa With Spiritualy Grand Father and Mom ji

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