Bible Stories

Absalom’s return story – अबशालोम की वापसी की कहानी

The story of Absalom’s return is a significant event in the biblical narrative, particularly in the life of King David and his family, as recorded in the Old Testament of the Bible.

Absalom’s Exile: Absalom was one of King David’s sons, and he had been exiled from Jerusalem after he killed his half-brother Amnon. Absalom had taken revenge on Amnon for raping their sister Tamar, and his actions led to a strained relationship with his father, King David. Due to this incident, Absalom fled Jerusalem and went into exile.

Joab’s Intervention: Despite Absalom’s exile, King David deeply missed him. Joab, the commander of David’s army and a shrewd strategist, saw an opportunity to facilitate Absalom’s return and mend the relationship between father and son. Joab devised a plan to reconcile the two.

The Wise Woman of Tekoa: To present David with a hypothetical situation similar to his own, Joab found a wise woman from Tekoa to act out a plea before the king. The woman pretended to be a widow who had lost both of her sons due to a family feud. She asked for the king’s help to prevent her remaining son from being killed by the avengers of her other son.

David’s Judgment: King David, moved by the woman’s plea for mercy and justice, assured her that her remaining son would not be harmed. He promised to protect him. The woman then skillfully drew a parallel, making David realize that he was acting differently in his own family situation with Absalom, who was also estranged and in danger.

Absalom’s Return: The wise woman’s intervention had the desired effect on David. He realized that he should grant mercy and reconciliation to his own son, Absalom. He allowed Absalom to return to Jerusalem, ending his exile.

A Broken Reunion: Absalom returned to Jerusalem, but the relationship with his father remained strained. Although David allowed him back into the city, it would take more time for their bond to be fully restored.

Absalom’s Rebellion: Unfortunately, Absalom’s return did not lead to full reconciliation. Over time, he grew discontented with his position in the kingdom and began to plot against his father. Eventually, Absalom rebelled against David, seeking to take the throne for himself.

The story of Absalom’s return highlights the complexities of family relationships, forgiveness, and the consequences of past actions. While King David allowed Absalom to return to Jerusalem, the deep-rooted issues in their relationship resurfaced, leading to further turmoil in the kingdom. This event foreshadowed the tragic events that would follow in Absalom’s rebellion against his father, as recorded in 2 Samuel chapters 13 to 18.


Absalom’s return story – अबशालोम की वापसी की कहानी

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