Abraham Bible Story -christianblog.in
Abraham Bible Story
Abraham was a descendant of Noah. Noah had three sons – Ham, Yafet and Bean. The genealogy of The Bean was as follows: Sem’s son was Arfaxad, Arfaxad’s son Shelah, Shelah’s son Aber, Aber’s son Peleg, Peleg’s son Rau, Rau’s son Sarug, Sarug’s son Nahor, Nahor’s son Thirteen. Apart from these, Bean and his sons had many other sons and daughters.
Thirteen had three sons – Abrams, Nahor, Haran. ‘Abram’ was later called ‘Abraham’ (Abraham). Abram’s wife was Saray, who later called ‘Sara’. Abram lived with his father Thirteen and family in Uru Nagar in Khaldaiya desh.
When his father left the country for Kanan, he accompanied his wife. But they all reached Haran and stayed there. Thirteen died in haran country. After his death, Abrams stayed with his family in Haran.
One night God appeared before Abram and ordered him to leave Haran. He said, “Leave your country, your family and your father’s house and go to the country I will show you. I will create a great nation through you, bless you, and make your name so great that it will become a source of welfare. I will bless those who bless you. I will curse those who curse you. You will receive blessings from the descendants of the earth.”
Abrah obeyed God. He left Haran and left for Canaan (Canaan). His wife Saray, his nephew Lot and all the people who met him in Haran were also with him. He took his property and animals along too.
After crossing various cities and villages, they reached Kanan. Moving forward, they reached Balut in More City, where God appeared to Abram and said, “I will give this country to your descendants.”
Abrams went to a hill before Betel and made his stop and prayed for the Lord by making an altar.
Abrams began living there with his family and people. But when there was a severe famine, he had to go to Egypt. Before entering Mishra, Abrams was worried. He knew that seeing the beauty of Saray, the Egyptians would like to make her their wife and when they found out that she was his wife, they would kill her. So he said to Saray, “You say to most that you are my sister. This way I will be able to survive because of you and they will behave well with me. Otherwise, knowing that you are my wife, they won’t leave me alive.”
Saray did as Abrams said to him. The Egyptians took them to their king Fitown. Firan was fascinated by Saray’s beauty and made her his wife. Considering Abram as his brother, he offered him sheep and goats, cows, donkeys, camels, servants, maids.
Abrams stayed in Egypt for some time. Saray stayed in the palace with Fitown. After marrying Saray, God sent many diseases and disasters to Firaun and his family. Firaun could not understand the reason for God’s displeasure.

But when he came to know that Abram had lied to him and That Saray was not his sister, but his wife. So he understood the cause of the calamity sent by God.
He called Abrams and said, “Why didn’t you tell me that Saray is your wife. I took her as your sister and made her my wife. But now you take him and leave this country.”
Abrams Saray, with his nephew Lot and acquired property, left Egypt and moved to the same place on the hill of Betel where he had previously made his stop. There he built the altar again and prayed to the Lord.
Abrams and Lot had a lot of sheep and goats, fours and property. They had so much wealth that it became difficult for them to live with them, because their shepherds often started quarreling. Abrams did not want his relationship with Lot to deteriorate in the long run. So he gave Lot his desired territory and separated from him.
Lot chose the valley of the Jordan River and stayed on the land of Abram Canaan.
One day the Lord appeared to Abram and said, Lift up your vision and rotate your vision in all directions from where you stand. I will give all this territory to you and your descendants. Go go roam around this country.”
Abram then settled near Mamre’s balut in Hrbrun.
Many years have passed. But Abram’s wife Saray had no children. Saray was accompanied by a maid named Hagar from Egypt. One day Saray asked Abrams to accept Hagar as his sub-wife for child bearing. Abrams agreed. Hagar also agreed to it.
After Becoming Abram’s sub-wife, Hagar became pregnant. After learning that she was pregnant, she began to despise her mistress Saray. Enraged this time, Saray complained to Abram about Hagar, and Abram told him that So Abrams told him that Hagar was your maid. Behave with what you want.
Saray then started misbehaving with Hagar so much that Hagar left the house and fled. She was sitting near a waterfall in a desolate land, when the Lord’s messenger appeared to her and asked her to return home. He told him that you would give birth to a son soon, to name him ‘Israel’.
Hagar returned to Abram and Saray. He gave birth to a son named ‘Israel’. Abram was twenty-six years old at the time of Israel’s birth.
When Abrams turned ninety-nine, God appeared before him again and said, “I am the Almighty God. You will no longer be called ‘Abram’ but ‘Abraham’Abraham, because I will make you the father of many nations. You will have innumerable descendants. You call your wife ‘Saray’ not ‘Sara’. I bless her with son delivery. I will also increase the number of subjects of your son, Israel. He will have twelve children and will produce a great nation.” Abrahim laughed at the fact that at this age all the son would deliver and he would become a father at this age.
Then God said, “Sarah will deliver a son for you. You keep his name ‘Isaac’. I will be the God of him and his descendants.”
One day after the incident, Abraham was sitting near his tent in the scorching heat near Baluat, when three men approached him. Abraham felicitated him. He asked Abraham, “Where is your wife, Sarah?”
Abraham (Abraham) told them that she was sitting inside the tent. Then they said we would come to you again after a year. Sarah will have a son at that time.
Sarah, who was sitting inside the tent, laughed when she heard it. She laughed at how she could become a mother at the age of ninety. But by the grace of the Lord, all of them were pregnant and gave birth to a son. Abraham named him Isaac.
Sarah laughed at God’s words. So at Isaac’s birth she said, “God let me laugh. So whoever hears this now will laugh at me.”
Abraham (Abraham) thanked God for his son’s attainment. Thus God kept his word.
very nice Blogpost