
A prayer to be a good steward – एक अच्छा प्रबंधक बनने के लिए प्रार्थना

O God of Loving Devotion, in this life You task us with caring for things. You command us to have dominion over all creatures and to be stewards of Your creation. Behold, Lord, my dog whom You have given me to steward is ill and needs to be cared for.

Therefore, I pray that You give me the ability to be a good steward to my companion. Help me to get him the medical care he/she needs. Be with the veterinarians and others who are treating him/her. In Your abundant mercy, hear my prayer. Amen.


A prayer to be a good steward – एक अच्छा प्रबंधक बनने के लिए प्रार्थना

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