Bible Stories

A little girl helps naaman story – एक छोटी लड़की नामान की मदद करती है कहानी

In the ancient kingdom of Aram, there lived a mighty general named Naaman. He was a respected and successful warrior, known for his great achievements in battle. However, despite his many victories, Naaman suffered from a terrible disease called leprosy, which caused painful sores on his skin and made him an outcast in his own society.

One day, during a raid, Naaman’s soldiers captured a young girl from Israel. She was taken to Naaman’s household to serve his wife. Though she was far from home, the little girl remained kind-hearted and hopeful. Despite her own situation, she showed deep concern for Naaman and his condition.

One day, the little girl said to Naaman’s wife, “I wish my master could see the prophet who lives in Samaria. He would cure him of his leprosy.”

Naaman’s wife shared this information with her husband. Desperate for a cure, Naaman decided to seek out the prophet in Israel. He gathered gifts and set out on a journey to find the prophet, Elisha.

When Naaman arrived in Samaria, he went to Elisha’s house and sent a messenger to request healing. Elisha did not come out to meet Naaman himself but sent a message with instructions: “Go, wash yourself seven times in the Jordan River, and your flesh will be restored and you will be cleansed.”

Naaman was initially upset and offended. He expected a grander and more dramatic healing process. He thought that Elisha should have come out and performed some elaborate ritual. Naaman was also displeased with the Jordan River, which he thought was inferior compared to the rivers of his homeland.

Despite his frustration, Naaman’s servants persuaded him to follow the prophet’s instructions. They reasoned, “If the prophet had asked you to do something great, would you not have done it? How much more, then, when he tells you to wash and be cleansed?”

Reluctantly, Naaman went to the Jordan River and dipped himself in the water seven times, just as Elisha had instructed. As he emerged from the river after the seventh time, his leprosy was miraculously healed, and his skin was as smooth as that of a young child.

Overjoyed and grateful, Naaman returned to Elisha to offer him gifts and to thank him for the healing. Elisha refused the gifts, but Naaman declared his newfound faith in the God of Israel, acknowledging that there is no other God but the Lord.

The story of Naaman and the little girl highlights the power of faith and obedience. It reminds us that even a small act of kindness or a simple message can lead to profound and miraculous outcomes. The faith of a little girl and the obedience of Naaman led to a powerful healing and a testament to the greatness of God.


A little girl helps naaman story – एक छोटी लड़की नामान की मदद करती है कहानी

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