Bible Stories

A Little boy serves god story – एक छोटा लड़का भगवान की सेवा करता है कहानी

In the ancient land of Israel, there was a little boy named Samuel who lived with his mother, Hannah. Hannah had prayed fervently to God for a child, and when He blessed her with Samuel, she dedicated him to the Lord’s service.

As soon as Samuel was old enough, Hannah took him to the temple at Shiloh to live with the priest Eli. She wanted Samuel to grow up serving God. Despite his young age, Samuel faithfully performed his duties, helping Eli with the temple’s daily activities.

One night, as Samuel was lying down to sleep, he heard someone calling his name. Thinking it was Eli, he ran to him and said, “Here I am, you called me.” But Eli told Samuel he did not call him and sent him back to bed. This happened three times until Eli realized that it was God calling Samuel. Eli instructed Samuel to respond to the Lord.

The next time Samuel heard his name, he answered, “Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening.” God then spoke to Samuel, delivering a message of great importance about the future of Israel and the fate of Eli’s family.

From that night on, God continued to speak to Samuel, and he became known as a prophet of the Lord. He guided Israel with wisdom and faithfulness, always listening for God’s voice and delivering His messages to the people.

Samuel’s story teaches us the importance of listening to God and being obedient to His call, no matter how young or old we are. Through his faith and dedication, Samuel served God and became a pivotal figure in the history of Israel.


A Little boy serves god story – एक छोटा लड़का भगवान की सेवा करता है कहानी

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