Bible Stories

Story of joseph meets his brothers – जोसेफ की अपने भाइयों से मुलाकात की कहानी

Years had passed since Joseph’s brothers had sold him into slavery out of jealousy. Joseph, now a powerful figure in Egypt, had risen to the position of Vizier, second only to Pharaoh himself, due to his ability to interpret dreams and his wisdom in managing the country’s resources during a severe famine.

The famine struck not only Egypt but also the surrounding regions, including Canaan, where Joseph’s family lived. Jacob, Joseph’s father, heard that there was grain in Egypt and sent his sons, except for Benjamin, the youngest, to buy food. Arriving in Egypt, the brothers came before Joseph, bowing low to the ground, not recognizing him as their brother. However, Joseph recognized them immediately.

Joseph, concealing his identity, spoke harshly to them and accused them of being spies. The brothers, desperate to prove their innocence, revealed that they were all sons of one man, with the youngest, Benjamin, left at home. They mentioned another brother who “is no more,” referring to Joseph himself.

To test them, Joseph declared that one of them must stay in prison while the others returned home with grain to fetch their youngest brother. He imprisoned Simeon and sent the rest back with sacks of grain, secretly returning their money in their sacks.

When the brothers discovered the money, they were terrified, fearing that they would be accused of theft. They returned home and recounted the entire ordeal to Jacob. Despite his reluctance, Jacob eventually allowed Benjamin to go to Egypt when the grain ran out, trusting Judah’s promise to bring him back safely.

Back in Egypt, Joseph saw his brother Benjamin and was deeply moved but still kept his identity hidden. He invited them to a feast, and to their surprise, seated them according to their birth order. Joseph’s emotions surged when he saw Benjamin, his full brother, and he had to leave the room to weep.

The next morning, Joseph devised another test. He had his steward fill their sacks with grain and secretly placed his silver cup in Benjamin’s sack. After the brothers left, Joseph sent his steward to confront them, accusing them of stealing the cup. The brothers, unaware of the planted cup, proclaimed their innocence. When the cup was found in Benjamin’s sack, they tore their clothes in despair and returned to Joseph’s house.

Judah, showing great transformation and responsibility, pleaded with Joseph to take him as a slave instead of Benjamin, fearing the devastating effect on their father Jacob if Benjamin did not return.

Moved by Judah’s plea and the evident change in his brothers, Joseph could no longer contain himself. He sent out all the Egyptians from the room and revealed his identity to his brothers, saying, “I am Joseph! Is my father still alive?” His brothers were stunned and terrified, fearing retribution for their past actions.

But Joseph comforted them, saying, “Do not be distressed or angry with yourselves for selling me here, because it was to save lives that God sent me ahead of you.” He explained how God had used their actions to preserve the family during the famine.

Joseph embraced his brothers, and they wept together. He instructed them to return to Canaan, bring Jacob and all their families to Egypt, and settle in the land of Goshen, where he would provide for them during the remaining years of famine.

Thus, the reunion of Joseph and his brothers was marked by forgiveness, reconciliation, and the recognition of God’s providence in their lives. This emotional encounter restored the broken family and set the stage for the Israelites’ eventual sojourn in Egypt.

This retelling captures the key moments of Joseph meeting his brothers, emphasizing themes of forgiveness, transformation, and divine providence.


Story of joseph meets his brothers – जोसेफ की अपने भाइयों से मुलाकात की कहानी

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