
Prayer for courage and divine protection – साहस और दैवीय सुरक्षा के लिए प्रार्थना

God of Heaven’s Armies, You tell me to put my trust in You when I am afraid. Dear God, I am definitely afraid. I am afraid of things that are happening in my life. I am afraid for my future. I am afraid for my loved ones. I feel hopeless. I cannot breathe. The walls are closing in around me. I can feel the enemy near and I need Your protection.

Come into me, dear God, and fill me with Your Holy Spirit. I need You now! Help me to put my hope in You. I thank You for being my rock and my shield. Thank You for being my God in whom I can really trust. I praise You because even when I was faithless, You remained faithful to me. You never changed nor withdrew Your love from me. I love You, God. Amen.


Prayer for courage and divine protection – साहस और दैवीय सुरक्षा के लिए प्रार्थना

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