Bible Stories

Story of isaac blessing jacob – इसहाक द्वारा याकूब को आशीर्वाद देने की कहानी

Story of Isaac blessing Jacob is found in the Book of Genesis in the Bible. Isaac, the son of Abraham, was nearing the end of his life and wanted to bless his eldest son, Esau, before he died. Esau was a skilled hunter and his father’s favorite.

However, Isaac’s wife Rebekah favored their younger son, Jacob. Rebekah overheard Isaac’s intention to bless Esau and devised a plan to ensure that Jacob received the blessing instead.

Rebekah prepared a meal for Isaac and dressed Jacob in Esau’s clothing to disguise him as his brother, who was hairy. Isaac, who was blind and unable to see the deception, questioned Jacob’s identity. Jacob lied and claimed to be Esau, and Isaac, convinced by Jacob’s voice and the feel of his hands, believed him.

Isaac then blessed Jacob with a blessing meant for Esau, invoking God’s favor upon him and granting him dominion over his brother and nations. When Esau returned from hunting and discovered what had happened, he was furious and begged Isaac for a blessing of his own. However, Isaac had already bestowed his blessing upon Jacob, and it could not be undone.

The story illustrates themes of family conflict, deception, and the consequences of favoritism. Despite the deception, Jacob received the blessing intended for him, and it marked the beginning of his journey as a significant figure in the history of Israel.


Story of isaac blessing jacob – इसहाक द्वारा याकूब को आशीर्वाद देने की कहानी

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