Bible Stories

The story of paul’s missionary journeys – पॉल की मिशनरी यात्राओं की कहानी

The story of Paul’s Missionary Journeys is detailed in the New Testament book of Acts, particularly in chapters 13-28.

Paul, along with Barnabas and John Mark, sets out from Antioch. They travel to Cyprus, where they preach in various synagogues. In Paphos, Paul confronts a sorcerer named Elymas and converts the proconsul Sergius Paulus. They then journey to Pisidian Antioch, Iconium, Lystra, and Derbe, facing persecution and opposition but also experiencing conversions. They return to Antioch, where they report their successes to the church.

Paul and Silas set out from Antioch but have a disagreement with Barnabas over taking John Mark. Paul and Silas travel through Syria and Cilicia, strengthening churches. They journey through Asia Minor (modern-day Turkey), visiting places like Philippi, Thessalonica, Berea, Athens, and Corinth. Paul establishes a church in Corinth, where he spends a significant amount of time. Eventually, they return to Antioch, completing their journey.

Paul returns to Asia Minor, visiting the churches he established during his second journey. He spends about three years in Ephesus, where he has a significant impact and faces opposition from idol-makers. Paul also revisits churches in Macedonia and Greece. On his return journey, he stops in Miletus and addresses the elders of the Ephesian church, delivering his heartfelt farewell known as the “Ephesian elders’ address.” Paul continues his journey to Jerusalem, where he is eventually arrested.

These journeys were instrumental in the spread of Christianity throughout the Roman Empire, as Paul and his companions boldly proclaimed the Gospel, established churches, and nurtured new believers despite facing various challenges and opposition.


The story of paul’s missionary journeys – पॉल की मिशनरी यात्राओं की कहानी

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