Bible Stories

The story of the wisemen and king herod – बुद्धिमान व्यक्तियों और राजा हेरोदेस की कहानी

The story of the Wise Men and King Herod is part of the Nativity narrative in the New Testament of the Bible, specifically found in the Gospel of Matthew (Matthew 2:1-12). This story is often associated with the birth of Jesus Christ.

After the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem, Wise Men from the East, often referred to as Magi or astrologers, saw a star that they believed signaled the birth of a significant king. The star led them to Jerusalem.

The Wise Men arrived in Jerusalem and inquired about the newborn king from King Herod, who was ruling Judea under Roman authority. This news troubled Herod, as he saw a potential threat to his own rule.

King Herod gathered the chief priests and scribes to inquire about the birthplace of the Messiah based on Jewish prophecies. They informed him that the Messiah was expected to be born in Bethlehem.

Herod then met with the Wise Men privately and instructed them to find the child and report back to him. He claimed that he wanted to worship the newborn king, but in reality, he intended to eliminate any potential threat to his reign.

The Wise Men followed the star, which led them to Bethlehem. The star stopped over the place where the young Jesus and his family were staying.

The Wise Men presented gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh to the baby Jesus. These gifts were symbolic and carried both material and spiritual significance. After offering their gifts, the Wise Men worshipped Jesus.

Being warned in a dream not to return to King Herod, the Wise Men departed for their own country by another route, avoiding any further involvement with the deceitful king.

This story is significant in Christian tradition as it highlights the recognition of Jesus as a divine figure from the Gentile world (represented by the Wise Men) and the contrast between the wickedness of King Herod and the humility and innocence of the newborn Messiah. It is often part of the broader Christmas narrative celebrated by Christians around the world.


The story of the wisemen and king herod – बुद्धिमान व्यक्तियों और राजा हेरोदेस की कहानी

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